Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Three's A Charm (or so they say)

The old saying is "Three's A Charm". 

I can only hope that there's a modicum of truth to that. See, this is my third attempt at blogging. 

The first never got past the title and set-up stage. I got that far, then chickened out. There are so many talented folks out there Blogging that I felt a lot like Wayne and Garth; "I'm not worthy", so take one died on the vine. 

The second attempt was much more deliberate. In fact it was just a couple of weeks ago. I spent all day on it. Setting up the blog, getting it to look just the way I wanted it. Then I sat down and literally spent the whole day on my inaugural  post. I finished it up in the late afternoon and was truly proud of it. It related to a very tragic chapter in my life and how it changed not only my life, but my family's as well. 

It actually went up on the Blogger system and I thought I was finally on my way, as it were.

That was two days before Blogger melted down. After the meltdown, it was MIA. Taken down for unknown reasons and the title "unavailable for other blogs".  Numerous emails to Blogger have been unanswered. I didn't break any rules, spam anyone, I didn't even use any of George Carlin's 7 Words You Can't Say On Television. Unceremoniously dumped like a Prom date that wouldn't put out.

The good news is that I have learned to draft online content in WordPad. I still have that post and eventually I'll put it up again. It's a helluva tale and it might just help someone going through something tragic in their life.

So here I go again. Take 3.

So who am I you might ask? Well I'm a crotchety over 50 male. 

I'm married to the most wonderful woman on Earth. 

I live within sight of our Third World neighbor to the south, Mexico, somewhere between Del Rio and Comstock, Texas. 

I'm opinionated, conservative/libertarian, unapologetic, and decidedly un-politically correct.

I am a strong supporter of the Constitution. By that, I mean the entire document, not just certain parts. 

I am a "Gun Nut". I love shooting. It appeals to my need to be precise. I also want to own every gun I've ever seen, thus my collection will always be meager to me. I've only ever gotten rid of one gun. It was a trade-in on a 1911 and although it was over 11 years ago, I still regret it.

I also enjoy introducing people to the shooty sports. I love the look on their faces when they send the first rounds downrange.

I love the water. It might have to do with being born under the sign of Pisces, I don't know. I live on the shores of one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. 130 square miles of the clearest blue water you could ever hope to see. I spend as much time on it as I can, be it boating, swimming or fishing.

I have little tolerance for stupidity, and none for racism. Like Stephen Colbert, I don't see race. I have little regard for what I call hyphenated Americans. African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Italian-Americans. Bullshit! We're all Americans, dammit! Until we all start thinking that way, there will always be division.

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