Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Texas flinched!

Damn it all!

Just when I thought my beloved Texas was going to send a strong message to the Feds and especially the TSA concerning the "Gate Rape" of airline passengers, they have to flinch.

We had a shot at telling Janet Incopitant-o and her minion Pistole to piss up a rope, leave their hands to themselves, and respect the 4th Amendment rights of Texans, but the bill is DRT.

Double Damn!

Dan Patrick, author of House Bill 1937 was hung out to dry by at least 12 fellow Senators and  Lt. Governor Dewhurst. Sen. Kirk Watson, D(ickhead)-Austin worked to align the opposition.

Dewhurst, Hell will freeze before I vote for you again.

And Watson, I have no words for what I wish upon you.

There was a time when Texas had the balls to say this to their oppressors:

This bill, had it passed would have laid the groundwork for other states to follow in our footsteps. Now it just emboldens the Department of Homeland inSecurity.


  1. There was no way the TSA would have stopped all the flights out of Houston or DFW.
    I need to see how King voted.

  2. The house vote, as I understand it, was unanimous in favor of the bill.

    Watson and Dewhurst lined up enough nay votes in the Senate that Patrick pulled the bill. it was never voted on in the Senate.
