Thursday, May 26, 2011

Standing up for what's right

Guffaw, I couldn't agree with you more!

While there are those that seemingly live to complain, I try hard to stay positive and find the good, and the humorous, in most every situation. That philosophy served me well most of my life, especially during my years as a first responder.

But I can't continue to laugh stuff off when our rights are being trampled into the dirt!

One of the things that made going into a dangerous situation easier was being secure in the knowledge that others had your back. This is especially true when you are a volunteer. After all. we didn't get paid for it and we all had day jobs as well as families to think about.

So, that being said, it's time to rant.

TJIC. His predicament really pisses me off. See, I remember saying the EXACT same thing (1 down 534 to go)when I heard about the shootings in Tuscon. The only difference is I said it to my wife, not on the Internet. Will the thought police break down my door now and confiscate my guns? Will they confiscate my computer and deny me my rights? I invite them to try!

TSA. I have a beautiful 2 year old Grandson that I haven't met yet. He is 1800 miles away and because I absolutely refuse to give up my 4th Amendment rights in order to board an airplane, I have yet to visit. I have a business to run and cannot take 2 weeks to drive there and back.

Pima County SWAT. I have the utmost respect for Police Officers. They do one of the hardest jobs imaginable. But these clowns and their inept Sheriff are lying, murdering cowards that shot a man and left him to bleed or over an hour denying him medical attention. Even if he was a bad guy, which I am convinced he wasn't, he did not need to be shot at 71 times and hit 60. It only took two rounds to kill the most wanted man in the world, fer crissakes!  I hope they all face murder charges. If not, well, they'll face the ultimate judge one day and hopefully they'll all rot in Hell for what they did to that Marine.

Gunwalker. The dumb asses killed one of their own. Who thought up that brilliant plan? The BATF has been running amok for as long as I can remember. Time to relegate them to the trash heap..

Recent State Court Decisions & The United States Supreme Court. I'm going to lump these together because they both concern the same Amendment of my beloved Constitution and Bill Of Rights. Be warned; if the cops enter my home without a warrant or personal invitation, The safety on my rifle will not be on like Jose GuereƱa's was. Yes I will die, but I will not die alone! We shoot trespassers who force their way in here in Texas. I strive every day to live within the law so there is no reason to kick my door in unless you have a death wish.

I never wore the uniform of the Armed Forces. I wanted to because my father did. But a heart murmmer kept me from it. But I am still prepared to defend my country and possibly die for it. I hope with all my heart that I never have to, but I would rather die a free man than live under tyranny!

A big Tip O' The Hat to:

Guffaw, David Codrea, Mike Vanderboegh, and every other freedom loving American that is fed up and is willing to speak out about it!

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