Monday, May 30, 2011

 Memorial Day

The informal start of summer. Picnicking with friends and family, perhaps some frosty adult beverages, maybe a spirited game of softball or volley ball. Time to fire up the grills and char some tasty animal flesh. Good times!

But in the midst of it all, take a moment or two to remember those that sacrificed their all to give us the freedoms we enjoy. They gave the two most precious gift of all, to all of us; their lives and our Freedom!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Officer Down. Rest In Peace Sgt Kenneth G. Vann

I have no words to offer other than I hope in my heart of hearts that the pieces of shit that did this, once found, do not live to see trial.

Deputy shot and killed at traffic light

My deepest condolences to his family and the entire Bexar County Sheriff's Department.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Legend Of Wyatt Derp

Wyatt Derp

We live a good 25+ miles outside of the city in a very sparsely populated area. Although there are some 50 or so 5 acre plus lots in our subdivision, few have been built upon. Of those that do have houses, many are weekend places for folks from bigger cities like San Antonio, San Angelo, or the Midland/Odessa area that come to enjoy the lake and the peace and quiet that abounds here.

Being that far removed and secluded, townsfolk sometimes come here to dump animals, especially cats.

About 2 years ago, a pair showed up that were unlike the feral cats, in that they were both wearing collars. One sported a leather collar with a rabies tag and the other had a flea collar. Both were younger cats and, while not affectionate, were friendly enough that I could pet them, especially when food was involved.

After about a week or so it became apparent that they weren't going back to wherever they came from, at least on their own accord, so at feeding time I took the collars off of them. The one wearing the flea collar had outgrown it to where it was getting too tight. Although she wasn't happy about the removal process, she seemed to be happy once it was gone.

 The leather collar on the other cat had the aforementioned rabies tag still attached, so I called the Vet's office. I gave the Vet the number from the tag and told them I had the cat if the owner wanted her back. It wasn't 5 minutes until my phone rang. Turns out the cat came from town, well over 30 miles away, and they had given it up for dead. The little girl who's pet it was, was very happy to get it back. My guess is that it was given a ride by a neighbor. I'd have loved to see the look on that neighbor's face when the cat reappeared!

The other cat still lives here. We've named her Mom because of her prodigious ability to breed. She wants no part of the easy life of a house cat, preferring to live outside and doing whatever outside cats do. We feed her and her offspring and in return they keep our house and land free of scorpions, tarantulas, and wolf spiders. They also keep the rattlesnakes at bay. She teaches her kids well how to survive in the wild. All but one, that is.

Early this year she brought one of her kittens to the back door. It was a mess. One eye was runny with tears and it was skinny and listless. I scooped him up and brought him inside. I filled a small dish with half and half and put him in front of it. He drank every last drop.

There was no doubt that this little guy was not going to survive if put back outside, so I filled the sink with warm water, bathed him and wrapped him in a towel. He slept on my chest in the recliner for the rest of the evening, and that night he cuddled up to me under the covers in bed.

The wife said he needed a name and dismissed several that I suggested, like Jake (too much like a dog's name), Amos (reminded her of a lazy guy at her work), Lefty (in deference to the runny eye, but we shouldn't make fun of the less fortunate), and Floyd (too goofy and we had already nicknamed one of the deer we feed Floyd). So finally I suggested Wyatt.

Wyatt settled in and as the days passed we noticed that he was, well, different. Kittens are uncoordinated but he was more clumsy than normal. After playing with him with a laser pointer we discovered that he was defiantly blind in that left eye. We also believe that he has limited vision in the right as well. This really affects his depth perception in that he has a hard time judging how to jump up onto things. He simply can't do it very well, preferring to climb on stuff instead of jumping up like a normal cat. When he tries to jump down from something, he invariably falls. Cats don't always land on their feet, especially when they're visually impaired.

He also sees spots, I think. He chases them around, running into things. He's all legs going every which way when he runs, and he has no brakes. When he tries to pounce on something, he extends his front paws, but forgets to stop running with his back legs, plowing ahead, come what may. He's a constant source of amusement. When we play with the laser, he'll chase it around in a circle (as long as it's to the right, he can't see it if it's to the left) and after 2 or 3 revolutions, I'll stop but he keeps on going, just like the Energizer Bunny, until he gets dizzy and has to lie down and get his bearings.

So now he has a last name too, Derp. That's right, Wyatt Derp. It's even on his vet records. I told the receptionist that we named him that because it sounded better than Thud.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

As if Joplin, MO didn't have enough to deal with

There are very few people in this world that I truly despise. Fred Phelps and his crew of douchebags (mostly his inbred family) from the Westboro Baptist Church top that short list. These are the same gang of reprobates that picket the funerals of our fallen Military Heros with signs proclaiming the God Hates Fags and Thank God For Dead Soldiers as well as other vitriolic, hateful, and disgusting slogans.

Well, it would seem as though they plan to go to Joplin, MO on Sunday to spread more of their special kind of hatred.|mostcom

Hey Fred, just a heads up dude. People that have lost everything, really have nothing to lose. You might want to consider that before you go there.

On second thought, forget it. I hope you have a good trip and meet lots of new "friends". I'm sure there's plenty of 2X4's laying around.....

Oh, and since your an Old Testament kinda guy, this is from me to you: Genesis 19:31-36. Look it up, I think it might apply.

Standing up for what's right

Guffaw, I couldn't agree with you more!

While there are those that seemingly live to complain, I try hard to stay positive and find the good, and the humorous, in most every situation. That philosophy served me well most of my life, especially during my years as a first responder.

But I can't continue to laugh stuff off when our rights are being trampled into the dirt!

One of the things that made going into a dangerous situation easier was being secure in the knowledge that others had your back. This is especially true when you are a volunteer. After all. we didn't get paid for it and we all had day jobs as well as families to think about.

So, that being said, it's time to rant.

TJIC. His predicament really pisses me off. See, I remember saying the EXACT same thing (1 down 534 to go)when I heard about the shootings in Tuscon. The only difference is I said it to my wife, not on the Internet. Will the thought police break down my door now and confiscate my guns? Will they confiscate my computer and deny me my rights? I invite them to try!

TSA. I have a beautiful 2 year old Grandson that I haven't met yet. He is 1800 miles away and because I absolutely refuse to give up my 4th Amendment rights in order to board an airplane, I have yet to visit. I have a business to run and cannot take 2 weeks to drive there and back.

Pima County SWAT. I have the utmost respect for Police Officers. They do one of the hardest jobs imaginable. But these clowns and their inept Sheriff are lying, murdering cowards that shot a man and left him to bleed or over an hour denying him medical attention. Even if he was a bad guy, which I am convinced he wasn't, he did not need to be shot at 71 times and hit 60. It only took two rounds to kill the most wanted man in the world, fer crissakes!  I hope they all face murder charges. If not, well, they'll face the ultimate judge one day and hopefully they'll all rot in Hell for what they did to that Marine.

Gunwalker. The dumb asses killed one of their own. Who thought up that brilliant plan? The BATF has been running amok for as long as I can remember. Time to relegate them to the trash heap..

Recent State Court Decisions & The United States Supreme Court. I'm going to lump these together because they both concern the same Amendment of my beloved Constitution and Bill Of Rights. Be warned; if the cops enter my home without a warrant or personal invitation, The safety on my rifle will not be on like Jose GuereƱa's was. Yes I will die, but I will not die alone! We shoot trespassers who force their way in here in Texas. I strive every day to live within the law so there is no reason to kick my door in unless you have a death wish.

I never wore the uniform of the Armed Forces. I wanted to because my father did. But a heart murmmer kept me from it. But I am still prepared to defend my country and possibly die for it. I hope with all my heart that I never have to, but I would rather die a free man than live under tyranny!

A big Tip O' The Hat to:

Guffaw, David Codrea, Mike Vanderboegh, and every other freedom loving American that is fed up and is willing to speak out about it!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Texas flinched!

Damn it all!

Just when I thought my beloved Texas was going to send a strong message to the Feds and especially the TSA concerning the "Gate Rape" of airline passengers, they have to flinch.

We had a shot at telling Janet Incopitant-o and her minion Pistole to piss up a rope, leave their hands to themselves, and respect the 4th Amendment rights of Texans, but the bill is DRT.

Double Damn!

Dan Patrick, author of House Bill 1937 was hung out to dry by at least 12 fellow Senators and  Lt. Governor Dewhurst. Sen. Kirk Watson, D(ickhead)-Austin worked to align the opposition.

Dewhurst, Hell will freeze before I vote for you again.

And Watson, I have no words for what I wish upon you.

There was a time when Texas had the balls to say this to their oppressors:

This bill, had it passed would have laid the groundwork for other states to follow in our footsteps. Now it just emboldens the Department of Homeland inSecurity.

Three's A Charm (or so they say)

The old saying is "Three's A Charm". 

I can only hope that there's a modicum of truth to that. See, this is my third attempt at blogging. 

The first never got past the title and set-up stage. I got that far, then chickened out. There are so many talented folks out there Blogging that I felt a lot like Wayne and Garth; "I'm not worthy", so take one died on the vine. 

The second attempt was much more deliberate. In fact it was just a couple of weeks ago. I spent all day on it. Setting up the blog, getting it to look just the way I wanted it. Then I sat down and literally spent the whole day on my inaugural  post. I finished it up in the late afternoon and was truly proud of it. It related to a very tragic chapter in my life and how it changed not only my life, but my family's as well. 

It actually went up on the Blogger system and I thought I was finally on my way, as it were.

That was two days before Blogger melted down. After the meltdown, it was MIA. Taken down for unknown reasons and the title "unavailable for other blogs".  Numerous emails to Blogger have been unanswered. I didn't break any rules, spam anyone, I didn't even use any of George Carlin's 7 Words You Can't Say On Television. Unceremoniously dumped like a Prom date that wouldn't put out.

The good news is that I have learned to draft online content in WordPad. I still have that post and eventually I'll put it up again. It's a helluva tale and it might just help someone going through something tragic in their life.

So here I go again. Take 3.

So who am I you might ask? Well I'm a crotchety over 50 male. 

I'm married to the most wonderful woman on Earth. 

I live within sight of our Third World neighbor to the south, Mexico, somewhere between Del Rio and Comstock, Texas. 

I'm opinionated, conservative/libertarian, unapologetic, and decidedly un-politically correct.

I am a strong supporter of the Constitution. By that, I mean the entire document, not just certain parts. 

I am a "Gun Nut". I love shooting. It appeals to my need to be precise. I also want to own every gun I've ever seen, thus my collection will always be meager to me. I've only ever gotten rid of one gun. It was a trade-in on a 1911 and although it was over 11 years ago, I still regret it.

I also enjoy introducing people to the shooty sports. I love the look on their faces when they send the first rounds downrange.

I love the water. It might have to do with being born under the sign of Pisces, I don't know. I live on the shores of one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. 130 square miles of the clearest blue water you could ever hope to see. I spend as much time on it as I can, be it boating, swimming or fishing.

I have little tolerance for stupidity, and none for racism. Like Stephen Colbert, I don't see race. I have little regard for what I call hyphenated Americans. African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Italian-Americans. Bullshit! We're all Americans, dammit! Until we all start thinking that way, there will always be division.