Monday, December 19, 2011

Fetch My Flying What?

There's lots of really great blogs and bloggers out there. If I'm not careful about managing my downtime, I can easily spend a whole day reading them. (I have) I've put some of my favorites on my Blog Roll over there on the right. Some, like Guffaw, Murphy, and CarteachO I try to hit every day while drinking my morning java. Others I hit at least once or twice a week.

A couple of weeks ago I saw an unusual title on someone else's roll. Fetch My Flying Monkeys. It caught my eye because those damn flying monkeys in The Wizard Of Oz scared the shit out of me when I was a kid. I had to close my eyes whenever they'd come on. It wasn't until I was about 10 or 11 that I could stand to watch them. I think it scarred me for life and I've been overcompensating ever since.

Anyway, I went on over to her blog. Laura has an incredible sense of humor that really clicks with mine. Twisted, a bit demented, and decidedly off beat. Good thing for her that I'm happily married and look nothing like George Clooney. There's just something about a woman (especially a redheaded woman) that loves Dinosaurs and goats wearing hats....

Go give her blog a look if you get the chance. You won't be disappointed (unless you get offended by the "F" word, she isn't afraid to use it)

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