Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Daily Show w/Jon Stewart Beats Fox News?

I've always been kind of a smart-ass, I can't help it. Ever since I can remember, I've been afflicted by the the disease.

As a kid, I was pretty introverted. I went to a school across town from where I lived, so most of the kids were essentially strangers to me. Early on I realized that if I could provoke a laugh or two, I'd be more likely to be noticed, and therefore accepted by my peers. It really helped me to come out of my shell. Nothing was off-limits to me, I was an equal opportunity smart-ass. I became quick with a pun and quicker to point out the absurd around me. I was a class clown and spent a lot of time standing in a corner or in the Principal's office, but I had friends because of it, so that made it worth it.

That's why I love Jon Stewart. He is the consummate smart-ass.

Sure, there are times that he infuriates me when he goes off on one of his left leaning rants, but he spreads the love around and goes after the left as well. He's an equal opportunity smart-ass, just like me. He destroyed Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala equally on their show Crossfire. So badly in fact, that the show was cancelled shortly after. While it's certainly debatable as to whether Jon was responsible for that, it surely bears speculation. Tucker was clearly out of his realm and outclassed. At least Begala had the common sense to mostly keep his trap shut for most of the segment. He knew he was not going to win.

Then there was his response to 9/11. When America was reeling in the days following the attacks, we were in mourning. It upset our world so badly that we were almost afraid to laugh, lest we offend someone. Jon's moving monologue just days after the attack told us it was OK to laugh. It also showed me that even though I disagree with him sometimes, he loves America just as much as I do.

The list of people he has interviewed reads like a Who's Who. Presidents, Vice Presidents, Congresscritters, Senators, Foreign Leaders, Kings, Pulitzer Prize winners, and not one of them has been spared his barbs. He is an equal opportunity smart-ass. he even called Obama "Dude", pissing off his left wing audience (How dare he insult the Chosen One!).

So imagine my reaction when I read today that his show ranked higher in the Neilson ratings than any offering by Fox News.

Fox is, and probably always will be my go-to source for hard news. But I really think they need to take a hard look at Jon and his partner in crime, Stephen Colbert. They might just learn something.

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